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The Argonauts' Methodology

Understand the science behind your conscious leadership transformation.

The Argonauts’ Conversational Fluency™ methodology is based on 60+ years of Harvard’s adult development theory. Combined with over 5 years of broad and rigorous testing on 2,000+ leaders, we discovered our formula for expanding conscious leadership for entrepreneurs, executives, and change-makers of all types.

Trusted by more than 2,000 leaders worldwide

Conversations, community & conscious leadership

The Argonauts Conversational Fluency™ methodology has been designed to expand conscious leadership at both the personal and professional level. At its core, we define conscious leadership through a simple formula: IQ + EQ = CQ. This refers to a leadership paradigm that encompasses not only cognitive intelligence, but adds empathetic intelligence to reach collective wisdom. These key elements shape the leadership of the future.

The origin of a new leadership paradigm.

As individuals, organizations, and the world as a whole, the challenges we face are manifold: From feelings of disconnection and loss of trust and purpose to increasing despair regarding the state of the world. We believe that to meet these challenges, we need to adopt a new way of leading and living:

Conscious leadership.

We developed the Conversational Fluency™ methodology to enable conscious leadership transformations at scale. It is based on over 60 years of research around adult development theory, drawing on work from scholars including Harvard’s Robert Kegan and Susan Cook-Greuter and many others. In addition, we have spent the past 5 years working with over 2,000 leaders, from executives to individual change-makers, to refine our formula. 

Our formula for conscious leadership:

IQ + EQ = CQ™


Technical intelligence and competency.

This refers to the skills, know-how, and thinking we use to lead in a more conscious way. For instance, how to best cultivate culture and manage conflict.


Empathy and emotional intelligence.

EQ refers to how we read, manage, and connect with the emotional states of not only ourselves, but others too. It’s how we move beyond our own stories to better harmonize with the group.


Collective wisdom.

CQ is the concept of moving beyond the individual to start thinking and operating as a collective. We compare this to a musical orchestra, with each individual playing their own part in sync with the collective and together creating something larger than the sum of its parts.

How it works

Embarking on the path of conscious leadership demands more than just augmenting your existing skills—it invites a profound expansion of consciousness. This is a journey we navigate together through our innovative Conversational Fluency™ methodology, but we don’t stop at merely expanding your skills, or what we refer to as ‘horizontal development’.

We take you a step further, diving into ‘vertical development’, which involves nurturing intricate ways of thinking, fostering a deeper level of wisdom, and unearthing illuminating insights that serve as a beacon on your leadership path.

This transformative journey involves deep self-exploration, where you uncover your psychological predispositions and understand your current state of consciousness. It aids in enhancing your ability to empathize and form meaningful connections with others.

Simultaneously, you’ll develop an effective problem-solving mindset, arming you to tackle both personal and professional challenges with dexterity. A significant part of this consciousness elevation journey involves aligning your individual purpose with the collective goals or systemic objectives, seamlessly integrating these newly honed skills into your everyday life.

Our unique Trust Circle™ stands as your ally on this journey towards conscious leadership. Within the Trust Circle™, we employ a wide array of mechanisms designed to support holistic growth and transformation. This fusion of fresh insights and abilities prepares you to bring the power of conscious leadership into every facet of your life.

Where horizontal and vertical development converge.

Our approach is guided by two dimensions of human growth: horizontal and vertical. By combining both, we forge a fresh operating system essential for creating enduring transformation.

Horizontal development

Horizontal development involves enhancing and honing skills and knowledge. It’s about applying these refined abilities in real-world situations, allowing us to navigate life effectively and perform tasks with expertise – the “what and how” of doing things.

Vertical development

Vertical development delves into the “why” behind our actions. It prioritizes the quest for wisdom, encouraging novel thinking, integrating experiences and knowledge, and making choices aligned with life’s broader contexts.

The secret to conscious leadership:

Having the conversations that truly matter.

From our testing, we learned that becoming a more conscious leaders requires many different components. But one concept makes the biggest impact: Facing the difficult and “missing” conversations. 

Conversations in a safe environment with like-minded peers are the most powerful way to raise consciousness. As you likely recognize in your own life and in society at large, there are many conversations that we need to have but fail the courage to do so. This is why they need a dedicated space, structure and facilitation.

The Trust Circle

The blueprint for meaningful conversations

Over time, we learned that there are certain principles that need to be followed to have these conversations in a meaningful way:


A safe psychological space where deep and intimate conversations can be had.


An expert facilitator to role model Conversational Fluency™, impart knowledge and guide the process.


A Trust Circle format of 6-8 peers who engage in regular conversation together.

Conversations engineered for trust

There are also certain skills that need to be practiced during the conversation:

  • Listening actively
  • Observing silently
  • Expressing vulnerably
  • Respecting discretion
  • Accepting difference
  • Liberating forgiveness

Oxytocin, a trust enabling hormone, is released when we experience these behaviors. This enables us to move toward empathy (EQ) and more collective ways of working (CQ). When we fall back into advice giving and telling, Oxytocin quickly disappears. These communication protocols not only have a psychological impact, but also affect us at a biochemical level too.

Our methodology

The pillars of Conversational Fluency™

During the Trust Circle journey, the Conversational Fluency methodology will be taught and practiced. Each Trust Circle has its own rhythm of consciousness, of slowing down, allowing more silence, hearing all voices equally, reflecting deeply, applying insights and creating tangible actions. 

Pillars of the journey include the 12 qualities of conscious leadership, the four waves, as well as the guiding principles A.R.E and A.C.T. 

12 Qualities

We have developed 12 conscious leadership qualities as a useful tool to practice conscious leadership. They act as lenses through which we view consciousness and include qualities such as curiosity, passion, and humility. These shape regular individual prompts and activities as well as Trust Circle conversations.

4 Waves

The rhythm of the Trust Circle is supported by different waves:

Wave 1 and Wave 2: The waves of IQ and EQ, of self and self in relation to others
Wave 3 and Wave 4: The waves of EQ and CQ, of impact, meaning and aliveness

These waves are determined less by a set amount of time and particular order and more by the traveling through certain elements and principles within a Trust Circle.


The first guiding principle of The Argonauts is called A.R.E: Awareness, Responsibility and Empathy.

This is the reflective process that allows a fundamental shift in our conscious leadership, the move from dependent mindsets through independent mindsets to interdependent mindsets; a shift from ME to WE and from Life happening to me toward life happening through us.


The second guiding principle of the Trust Circle is called A.C.T: Aliveness, Courage and Trust.

This is the action process of taking insight and wisdom and living it in the world.

Our programs

We bring Conversational Fluency to leaders, teams and organizations.

To democratize conscious leadership at scale, we turned the Conversational Fluency™ methodology into three flagship programs:

The Navigator Trust Circle Program

Building Conscious Leaders

The Navigator Trust Circle program is aimed at individuals who want to become more conscious leaders. This could be for the goal of fulfilling purpose and creating impact by expanding consciousness and collaborating with others at the top of their fields. It could also be for the purpose of becoming your best self and creating lifelong connections within a community of like-minded leaders.

The Trust Circles for Teams Program

Building Conscious Leadership

The Team’s Trust Circle program is aimed at executives and change-makers who want to bring conscious leadership into their teams. This could be for the goal of building a culture with trust and purpose at its core to boost engagement, create alignment, and reduce the negative effects of traditional corporate culture. Trustful work cultures increase team engagement by 600%. 

The Conversational Fluency Enterprise Program

Building Conscious Leadership, At Scale

The Conversational Fluency Enterprise program is a customizable solution for transformations across all levels of hierarchy. Identify the torchbearers in the organization as you embark on a phased journey towards a sustainable culture transformation. This process culminates in the creation of an internal community, which serves as a powerful launching pad for collective growth and development.

The process

Embark on a four-step journey to transformation.

Although each program has different focuses – personal, team, enterprise – they all follow a similar process based on the Conversational Fluency™ methodology.

Step 1

CSLP™ Assessment

Step 2

Master Class

Step 3

Invitation & Selection

Step 4

Trust Circle Journey

Step 1

Conscious States of Leadership Profile™ (CSLP)

In the beginning, you as an individual or with your team will undergo an online assessment to gauge your current conscious leadership state. Your individual profile is made up of different states which reflect different attitudes, perspectives, and orientations towards life in this current moment. This is used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, in addition to understanding team members or Trust Circle members who you will converse with.

Step 2

Master Class

The Master Class serves as a form of initiation to the Trust Circle journey. In a condensed time frame, you will be introduced to key ideas of Conversational Fluency™ and become accustomed to the Trust Circle format. Through the guidance of the expert facilitator, you will learn to start stepping out of your comfort zone and see first hand the importance of having difficult conversations in a safe, structured, and facilitated environment.

Step 3

Invitation & Selection

After the Master Class, participants are welcomed into conversation with a trained facilitator or moderator from The Argonauts. From here, there will be a discussion which next step makes sense from both sides.

It is important to note that the subsequent Trust Circle journey isn’t for everyone. Because of this, we maintain a strict selection criteria. The Trust Circle Journey is also a big psychological commitment, one where individuals will be pushed out of their comfort zone and potentially make significant changes. Although we believe everybody is capable of change, only 15% are willing to take the first step before others follow. 

Step 4

Trust Circle Journey

Depending on which program you enroll in, you will be onboarded into a cohort of participants who will form your Trust Circle™.

The Trust Circle consists of 6-8 peers, in addition to a professional facilitator, who gather together each month to engage in the difficult conversations that expand conscious leadership. As the name suggests, trust is built through the creation of a safe psychological environment, guided by the facilitator using the Conversational Fluency™ methodology.

Who will be in my Trust Circle?

For the Navigator Program, this will be like-minded individuals from all over the world including other leaders at the top of their fields.
For the Team’s Program, your Trust Circle will consist of other members of your team.
For the Enterprise Program, it will be a group of people from your organization such as other executives or direct reports. 

How long is the journey?

The Trust Circle sessions happen on a monthly basis for an extended period of time. This could be for upwards of a year, but may be longer depending on necessity, the bonds formed between members, and other factors such as availability. Some Trust Circles have lasted more than 5 years and continue to this day.

Get in touch

Your transformation begins now.

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