Discover your

Conscious State of Leadership

Gain insights into your approach to life and leadership with this 10-minute self-assessment. You’ll receive a 5-page breakdown of your Conscious State of Leadership and helpful tips to unlock the next stage of your development as a leader.  

Why take this quiz?

This is not a personality test – it’s an invitation to a deeper understanding of yourself and others, based on the Harvard University’s School of Psychology research. 

  • Unveil the behavior and thinking patterns that characterize your Conscious State
  • Expand your capacity to choose how you respond in challenging situations
  • Build the foundation for your personal and leadership growth

What are Conscious States of Leadership?

Each Conscious State represents a different way of how we make sense of our current situation and find meaning in what we do. The stages are fluid – as we move through life, we naturally transcend from one state to another. 

Knowing your Conscious State can help you understand your own approach to leadership and creating impact, and it can help you integrate the wisdom and approaches of the other States. 

The 6 Conscious States of Leadership

Achieving Expert

Curious Achiever

Empathetic Seeker

Courageous Pioneer

Transformational Innovator

Inspirational Integrator*

* This free quiz includes the first five Conscious States. The sixth Conscious State of the Inspirational Integrator is available in the paid assessment

What does the report look like?

Discover your unique profile

Discover your individual distribution across all Conscious States. Understanding how different states can show up in different situations in your life and leadership can help you in developing your self-awareness and conscious leadership. 

Explore your State

Explore your Conscious State in detail: The report includes a comprehensive analysis of each State, including what you may see in yourself versus what others may see, your potential blind spots, motivators, as well as reflection questions and practical next steps for your development. 

Dive into the methodology

The Argonauts’ methodology behind the Conscious Leadership Quiz and the CSLP™ assessment is based on Adult Development Theory. Learn more about how it works in your report. 

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